Gambling Habits – Differences Between Women And Men

When it comes to casino gambling, both men and women contribute to the audience. However, this was not very common in older days. For many years, gambling was considered a field only for men and something that women do not (or should not) relate to. Even though the change is taking place quickly in modern-day casinos with women being equally interested in playing casino games, there are still many factors by which you can differentiate between the gambling habits of men and women.

Gambling Habits – Men vs Women

For example, sports betting generally attracts more male audience since women are not usually interested in watching sports like football or cricket. Thankfully, things are changing now and more women are participating in betting on games that were once considered completely male-oriented. Let’s find out more.

Type of the Games

Naturally, women have their own preferences when it comes to the favourite games to bet on. Sports betting continuous to be a major male-focused betting event, however, the gap between the number of male bettors and female punters is closing more rapidly with each passing day.

In a survey, it was revealed that more than 70% men prefer to bet on sports online while online poker betting stands at the second place in terms of popularity among men. A big male crowd also likes to play online slots, more for fun than for money.

As for women gamblers, online bingo has been the most popular gaming option. However, more women are now showing interest in the competitive games like poker and even sports betting. According to a research, about 40% of the women gambling online spend their time on popular sportsbook sites.

The purpose of playing

Depending on the reason why different people choose to play online, we can find a relation (or difference) between the gambling habits of men and women. While some prefer to gamble because of the fun and excitement it offers, others just want to make money. In terms of gaming motivation, men and women show almost the same attributes. Take a look below.

Whereas most of the players are after money, the second best reason given by people to gamble is the fun. Then, there are also reasons like the thrill and excitement of winning that motivate people to gamble at online casinos are sports betting sites. The reasons are more or less the same irrespective of the gender of the players.

Location of Gambling

This is somewhat an interesting comparison. When we think of gambling places, the most usual locations that come to our mind are – bed, table, sofa, office desk, etc. Yes, most players use all these places to gamble online. But what about different genders? How are men’s preferred gambling locations different from that of women’s. Let’s find out.

A big number of men and women gamble when they are in the bathroom (yes, that happens more often than you think). The second favourite gambling place for most users is the sofa, usually when watching tv. There is also a great number of people who like to play at family events, just to avoid the boredom. Other preferred places to gamble include while traveling, while waiting on airports, etc. Again, both sexes show almost the same gambling habits when it comes to the favourite place for playing.

Willingness to Take Risk

Now, this is where you can see a gender gap between the choices. As you can understand, the ultimate reason for gambling, irrespective of the gender, is to win and most gamblers look forward to winning good money from their gambling activities. However, when it comes to taking risks, men are more open than women.

A research reveals that most women prefer to cash their winnings almost immediately and avoid investing it back in high-risk hands, whereas men are more open to taking risks by investing in high-paying bets.

The Gambling Website

In terms of loyalty to specific gambling sites, women are more inclined to keep using a single site for as long as it is good enough. On the other hand, men love to experiment with different gambling sites, usually in the hope of getting more rewards, bonuses, and better odds. A big number of online male gamblers have accounts on more than one site. Then, there are also people who regularly play at multiple sites at the same time.

The Commitment

A very common difference between the gambling habits of men and women is in terms of commitment and spending ability. Men usually have a bigger bankroll and they are more willing to spend more on their betting activities as compared to female players.

The amount spent by men on online gambling sites is comparatively higher than what women spend on online gambling. This clearly shows the commitment male players have towards their gambling activity. Even though the number of female gamblers is increasing every day, male players still dominate this market in terms of the amount they spend gambling online.

So, one thing we can say with almost certainty is that the days of men oriented gambling are long gone. Women are not only showing interest in professional gambling but also they are opening more to playing high-risk and high-investment games like sports betting and poker.

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